
Good Things Take Time

by | Oct 21, 2014 | Missions Articles

Growing up I was taught that good things take time. I am not always the most patient person while I am waiting, but I know that God’s timing is always perfect. When I began teaching at the school here in China I remember meeting one of the staff that would help in my classroom. Communication was difficult because at this time I didn’t speak much Chinese.   However, our God is beyond language barriers, He makes all things possible! She was compassionate, quiet, and so helpful. As I got to know her I learned she was not yet a Christian. She was full of fear in her heart and had no hope. My heart broke for her because I knew that God’s perfect love would cast out all her fear, but I knew I could not push Jesus on her. We became friends, and I would share God’s love with her through a simple hug or encouraging word. Sharing the gospel with her didn’t look like reading Bible verses or taking her to church, it looked like holding her as she cried inconsolably on my shoulders.   As I would hug her I would pray over her, I knew that God loved her, and I knew in time she would receive His love.   We have been friends now for about a year and a half and with great joy I tell you she has received Christ and His passionate love for her. Where I saw so much fear in her life I can see joy! I am so excited to call her my sister. I continue to remember that sometimes the good things in life take time.

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